Monday, January 3, 2011

Scarves in Guatemala

Here's an interesting story about Debbie DuPey.
Debbie DuPey, 47, divides her time between Spokane and Guatemala – two very different worlds.  DuPey, a writer, artist and longtime Spokane specialist in domestic violence prevention, is trying to bridge these worlds by telling the stories of the women of Guatemala and by selling their scarves.  DuPey has published a 2011 calendar, titled “Threads,” featuring the stories of the women of Guatemala who weave scarves in the cooperative economic venture “Corazon Scarves.” Corazon is the Spanish word for heart.  The women’s scarves are marketed through DuPey’s website and also through small gatherings of Inland Northwest women.
You can learn more about Corazon Scarves here.

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