Tuesday, June 28, 2011

General Extends Lead in Guatemala

According to the most recent poll carried out by Vox Latina for Siglo XXI in Guatemala, General Otto Perez Molina increased his already sizable lead over Sandra Torres in September's presidential contest. Forty-one per cent support Perez Molina (up from 37% in May) while only 15% support Torres (down from 21% in May).

Recently, there's been a lot of criticism about proposed solutions to the country's problems coming from Guatemalan political parties . I can' imagine that the recent presidential debate is going to change those criticisms.

During the debate, both Perez Molina and Torres agreed that they would be open to allowing US troops to operate in the country in order to reduce drug trafficking and organized crime. Torres went so far as to say locating US military bases in Guatemala. She also said that now would be a good opportunity because the US is in the process of removing its troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Perez Molina, while open to additional US troops, reiterated that Guatemala shouldn't expect other countries to fight its battles. Going against growing sentiments in Latin America and the US, neither Perez Molina nor Torres were in favor of legalizing drugs.

I can't say that establishing US bases in Guatemala and other parts of Central America in order to fight organized crime and drug trafficking is at the top of my list of solutions.

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