Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Poll Confirms General's Lead

Yesterday I mentioned that General Otto Perez Molina had increased his lead over Sandra Torres in the most recent Vox Latina poll carried out for Siglo XXI. However, you don't want to jump to any conclusions based upon the results of one poll especially in the current context of Guatemala.

Well today Prensa Libre released poll numbers collected for them by Prodatos and the results are pretty similar to those of Siglo XII. General Perez Molina (Patriotic Party) now leads Sandra Torres (UNE-GANA) by 27 percentage points. 

Respondents were given a mock ballot in which the candidates were listed alphabetically and asked "If the election for president were held today, for whom would you vote?" Forty-three percent said that they would vote for Perez Molina while only 15% chose Torres. Siglo XXI's poll had it 41% to 15%. 

Eduardo Suger (CREO) came in third with nearly 8% and was followed by Manuel Baldizón (LIDER), Harold Caballeros (Viva-EG), Mario Estrada (UCN), Patricia Arzu (PU), Rigoberta Menchu (the Frente Amplio), Juan Gutierrez (PAN), and Adela de Torrebiarte (ADN).   

Meanwhile, campaign violence continues. Journalists continue to receive death threats. Candidates continue to die (this time from Viva-EG).

And Sandra Torres continues to pressure the TSE to decide – is she a candidate or is she not? 

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