Monday, July 4, 2011

Giammattei for President

Three days after leaving prison, Alejandro Giammattei is now the presidential candidate for the Center for Social Action Party (CASA). Giammattei is the former director of the Penitentiary System from the Berger administration. 

The International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) had accused Giammattei and sixteen others of belonging to a criminal organization that carried out executions both inside and outside the country's prisons, including the execution of seven inmates during the storming of the Pavón Rehabilitation Farm in September 2006. A judge from the high risk court ordered Giammattei released in May during a real low point in CICIG's history in Guatemala.  

Giammattei finished in third place (behind Colom and Perez Molina) with 17% of the vote in the 2007 presidential contest at the head of the Grand National Alliance (GANA) ticket. Giammattei should place somewhere in the second tier of candidates along with Suger, Baldizon, and Caballeros and Guatemalans probably don't have to fear what will happen to CICIG under President Giammattei.

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