Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ortega is Renominated in Nicaragua

Fox News
On Saturday, President Daniel Ortega accepted the FSLN's nomination for the presidency of Nicaragua. Ortega's seventh campaign for the presidency is widely seen as unconstitutional and has been condemned by the Catholic Church and former Sandinistas. The Constitution prohibits both consecutive presidential reelection and a third presidential term.

As of today, however, most observers tend to believe that Ortega will likely to win the November elections whether there is fraud or not. Unlike the opposition in neighboring Honduras that has decided to not to compete in Honduras' 2013 election, Fabio Gadea, a veteran radio producer from the Liberal Independent Party (PLI), and Eduardo Jarquín, the coordinator of the Movement for the Renovation of Sandinismo (MRS), will run as president and vice president on the ticket for Nicaraguan Unity for Hope (UNE).

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