Friday, March 4, 2011

What to do with Ortega?

In US to Nicaragua's opposition: We can dance, but you lead, Tim Rogers quotes Robert Callahan, U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua, as saying
“Democracy needs to emanate from the bosom of the people; It can’t come from another country or international [organization]. It can’t be imposed or created by magic,” Mr. Callahan told a group of 150 business leaders gathered at a luncheon event organized by the Nicaraguan-American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM).

That would be fine if it were US policy consistently applied abroad. Since it isn't, however, one is really just left asking why the US isn't speaking out more strongly against Ortega's weakening of democratic intuitions in Nicaragua. Do they just not have an opposition group or candidate that we feel comfortable backing? Is Ortega bad for democracy and for many of the people of Nicaragua, just not bad enough in the mold of Chavez or the Castros to make much of a fuss over?

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