Monday, October 31, 2011

Supporters seek sainthood for Father Stanley Rother

Those of us in the United States are generally familiar with the persecution of the Catholic Church during El Salvador's civil war. We're familiar with Archbishop Oscar Romero, Rutilio Grande, the U.S. churchwomen, and the UCA martyrs. Of course, they're not the only ones to have been murdered.
In Guatemala, the Catholic Church was also heavily persecuted. Bishop Juan Gerardi was killed in 1998 shortly after delivering the results of the Catholic Church's investigation into wartime atrocities. Brother James Miller was killed by the military in 1982. However, several other priests, nuns, and lay people were killed during the conflict.
One such priest is Father Stanley Rother of Oklahoma. Father Rother was sent to Guatemala in 1968 to serve the Tzutujil people. By 1975, Rother was the only member of the clergy remaining at the Church's mission. Rother was shot in the church rectory on July 28, 1981. Rother was one of ten priests killed in 1981. The committee for the cause of canonization is currently investigating whether Rother's life and death merit his recognition as a saint. 
Journeyman Pictures has a 25-minute video on Father Rother's life and death.

If Father Rother is canonized, he will become the first US born male saint.

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