Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rios Montt to go to trial for genocide and crimes against humanity

OnThursday, Efrain Rios Montt appeared in a Guatemalan court on genocide charges.During the hearing, the government presented evidence of over 100 incidentsinvolving at least 1,771 deaths, 1,445 rapes, and the displacement of nearly30,000 Guatemalans during his 17-month rule from 1982-1983 (WashingtonPost, BBC, SigloXXILA Times)

Rios Montt did not speak duringtoday's hearings, but it looks like he will be able to test his "I wasnever on the battlefield" defense. Tonight, judge CarolPatricia Flores determined that there is enough evidence to try RiosMontt on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity. The prosecutionwanted him incarcerated because of his potential for flight but the judge ruledthat he can remain out on bail. He has now been placed under house arrest andwill be watched by the PNC. 

A tremendous victory for the peopleof Guatemala and a continuation of what I believe has been a pretty remarkable year-plus of human rights advancement in theregion.

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