Tuesday, May 3, 2011

President Rigoberta Menchu?

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According to Prensa Libre and Siglo XXI, the Frente Amplio de Izquierda plans on nominating Rigoberta Menchu as its presidential candidate during its general assembly May 7th. Menchu performed poorly as the Encuentro por Guatemala and Winaq candidate in 2007, garnering 3% of the first round vote. Should Menchu somehow not receive the nomination, it looks like she'll still be Winaq's candidate (presumably without the Frente).

In recent polls, Menchu is hovering at approximately 2%. It's possible, perhaps even likely, that she will receive a bump in the polls should she be nominated. However, even with the rejuvenated Guatemalan left, it's unlikely that Menchu (or any other left candidate) will impact the outcome of the presidential elections. Nothing but a gut feeling here, but I don't get the impression that her candidacy will help in legislative elections either.

The Frente Amplio consists of several popular movements as well as the URNG-MAIZ, ANN, and WINAQ. 

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