Sunday, May 8, 2011

Presidential Tickets

Frente Amplio Binomial from Siglo XXI
The contest for the Guatemalan presidency continues to take shape with several political parties formalizing their candidates within the last week.

Noble Laureate Rigoberta Menchú of Winaq and Congressman Aníbal García of the New Republic Movement will represent the leftist Frente AmplioAmílcar Pop heads the party's national list in elections for congress. Surprisingly, current congressman Héctor Nuila is second. The URNG only won one seat from the national list in 2007 so Nuila's reelection is no sure thing. 

Front runners Otto Pérez Molina and Roxana Baldetti are at the top of the Patriotic Party (PP) and Sandra Torres and Roberto Díaz Durán lead the National Unity of Hope (UNE) ticket. A judge has a temporary hold on Torres' candidacy while Pérez Molina and the PP continue to say that a Torres candidacy is illegal. 
UNE Binomial from Siglo XXI
The National; Advancement Party (PAN) has Juan Gutiérrez and Carlos Zúñiga. Mario Estrada and Mauricio Urruela are representing the Unity for National Change (UCN). Patricia de Arzú and Álvaro Hugo Rodas are representing the Unionist Party (UP). 
EG and VIVA Candidates from Siglo XXI
Finally, Harold Caballeros and Efraín Medina will represent the Vision with Values (VIVA) and Encounter for Guatemala (EG) coalition. Congresswomen Nineth Montenegro appears in the photo. She tends to bring in much needed urban support in the capital which should help the both the presidential ticket and the will lead the EG's national list. Pretty quiet weekend I guess.

Happy mother's day to all the moms out there.

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