Sunday, August 7, 2011

Guatemala Links

Sambobby at the Guatemala Solidarity Network is thrilled with the ruling but disappointed that the US continues to fund kaibiles in its war on drugs. Kevin D has more.

Amnesty International issued a press release. In it, survivors say that the massacre was carried out to cover up the rape of a local woman. The BBC gives the more common explanation that the village was targeted because of its support or suspected support for the guerrillas. 

Prensa Libre has the place where the massacre happened.

A Guatemalan judge ordered an American couple to return their adopted daughter because the girl had apparently been stolen prior to her adoption. The girl was kidnapped in 2006.

Formerly conjoined Guatemalan twins celebrate their tenth birthday.

Finally, El Periodico has more about Otto Perez Molina.

And we should soon know whether Sandra Torres can stand as candidate for the UNE-GANA coalition. I picture a little chaos one way or another.

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