Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nicaragua would consider Gadhafi asylum


From the AP 
An adviser to Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said Tuesday that his government would consider giving asylum to Libya's Moammar Gadhafi if he asked for it, but acknowledged it would be difficult to arrange...
But Arce said "if someone asks us for asylum, we would have to consider it positively, because our people got asylum when the Somoza dictatorship was killing us," Arce said, referring to the 1979 uprising that overthrew dictator Anastasio Somoza.
In Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafis, you have a man that has been in power for several decades, plundered the country's wealth, refused to give in to popular demands for political reform, and responded with the full weight of the country's military.

I'm sorry, but wouldn't giving Gadhafi asylum be more like giving Somoza asylum?

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